Ian Zainea

Compositor & Editor

Nuke Tools gizmos / groups / toolsets

Over the years I've made a few tools to help me do a few things faster. I'm not a fan of remaking what already exists, so these tools are ones I couldn't find from anyone else.

iZ_Projector v1.1

a project3D setup with matchmove & stablize options, all-in-one

An image showing the nodes and properties of the iZ_Projector node.

This node is a simple Project3D setup contained in one node. It gives you options to quickly switch between a matchmove set up and a stabilize set up.

It has 3 inputs, the image (img), geo, and camera (cam) inputs. You can also use built-in default camera and card for an even quicker setup! Just check the boxes to turn those on. Controls are under twirl-down collapsed groups.

Don't waste time dropping in a project3d, scene, scanline, frame hold, dots, etc. And save space on your main node tree!

Quickly switch between a matchmove & stabilize setup with a drop down, and set any reference frame.

Download on Nukepedia.

iZ_NegativeChecker v1.0

easily check for negative values

An image showing the nodes and properties of the iZ_Projector node.

A simple node that checks for values below 0.

Inside this node a simple expression takes any negative values and sets them to 1 in each channel (R,G,B) and anything above 0 is set to 0. That way all you see are the negative pixels.

Since seeing individual pixels is difficult (unless you're working at high zoom), I also dilate the pixels (to 30 by default) and that makes them obvious to see. You have control over the dilate amount if you want.

Use this for whatever you need to, but I often use it to check for negative values before running NeatVideo, as neat video doesn't like to deal with negative values. My tree goes [grade] > [NeatVideo] > [reversed grade].

If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact me!

Direct download - .txt file

This opens in your browser, just copy & paste into Nuke. Or you can save it as a .nk file in your .nuke folder.

Need help learning to install gizmos in Nuke?

Watch my tutorial on installing gizmos, groups, and toolsets in Nuke.


I've been working in post since 2012. I love to tell visual stories through visual effects and editing. It's something I've always wanted to do, and something I am so happy to do now!

  Software Knowledge
  • Nuke
  • Premiere Pro
  • After Effects
  • Davinci Resolve
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Avid
  • Syntheyes